Transformative Translation of Paulo Coelho’s novel: "By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept": An Analytical Review

پاؤلو کویلھوکے ناول’’گریہ بر کنارِ دریا‘‘کی تقلیبی ترجمہ کاری :ایک تجزیاتی اظہاریہ


  • Dr. Muhammad Rauf Post Doc. Scholar, IRI, IIU, Islamabad Author
  • Dr. Riaz Ahmad Riaz Visiting Lecturer, GC University, Faisalabad Author


Paulo Coelho, Pragmatic adoptation, Transcultural Interaction, Grand Mother, Extra martial love, Madness of saintliness, Magic movement.


In this article, pragmatic adaptation in Urdu translation by Saeed Ahmad, entitled “Girya bar kinar-e-darya” from the source text of Paulo Coelho’s novel: “by the River Piedra I sat down and wept” has been analyzed and discussed. There is a lot of difference in territorial myths, religious beliefs, social norms and other thinking patterns of the locality of this Brazilian novel then that of Pakistani people. This translated version of the said creative masterpiece is more suitable than any other in the market due to its need-based co-textual changes and particularly coined diction in order to make it acceptable for the target text readers. In spite of all the pragmatic skills and craftsmanship employed, there are some gray areas to be noticed, but ironically which offer a special jouissance to its reader as well. The purpose of this article is to further enhance the interest in harnessing pragmatic adoptations as well as adaptations in translation work more effectively to entertain lexicographical documentations and meet the needs of ideological state like ours.


