Guidelines For Authors

Authors are requested to read the following guidelines before submitting their articles:

  1. Tashkeel is a journal related to quality Urdu research and critical inquiry.
  2. Journal is published bi-annually, commonly in June and December.
  3. Articles are published as per rules and regulations and research policy of HEC.
  4. Articles are sent to local and foreigner field experts for blind peer review.
  5. The Language of the articles published in journal is Urdu.
  6. Articles must be in composed form in the given sample of the MS Word File.
  7. During composing and formatting the article, follow these specifications: Document Type: MS Word, Page Size: Letter, Each Side Margins: 1”, Font: Jameel Noori Nastaleeq, Font Size: 12, Abstract Font (English): Times New Roman, Font Size: 10.
  8. The authors are required to write the name, designation and address as per sample.
  9. Title of the article must be in English along with Urdu.
  10. Word limit for Abstract in English is 90 to 100.
  11. Please mention the reference as endnote and write them at the end of the article as per the given sample (Author, Book Name, Publisher, Address, Year, and page).
  12. Make original and authentic sources for references.
  13. Authors are required to submit an affidavit that the article is original and not copied or already published in any journal or in book.
  14. Themes of the articles must relate to the scope of the research journal. Creative writings like poetry and fiction or translations will not be published.
  15. Do not send your unpublished article to any other journal after sending to Tashkeel.
  16. Please submit your article on OJS or send on email: