Tradition of Manuscript Studies in East and West and Contemporary Trends
مشرق و مغرب میں مخطوطہ شناسی کی روایت اور معاصر رجحانات
Identifying Manuscripts, tradition, Makhtoota Shanasi, compilation, tadveen, text, qalmi nuskha, printing, composing, Qadri zaoor, abdulAbstract
In this research article, the tradition of identifying the Manuscript and its importance is discussed critically, and in future prospective. A manuscript or Makhtoota’s role is very significant in Literary research. Makhtoota is usually a piece of paper, but this paper depicts untold stories of ancient literature. The western tradition started with the compilation of Holy Bible, in Greek and Latin languages and then to other western languages. There are some famous names including, Dr. Moheen Uddin Qadri Zaoor, Moulvi Abdul Haq, Hafiz Mahmood Sherani, Mushfiq Khawaja, Moulana Imtiaz Ali Arshi, Kalique Anjum, Rasheed Hassan Khan and Dr. Jamil Jalbi.This important academic activity of Manuscript identifying, is as much as relevant to the research scholars as it was relevant in the past.