Foregrounding in Majeed Amjad’s Lyrical Poetry: An Analytical Study
مجید امجد کے گیتوں میں لسانی پیش منظرسازی: تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Linguistics, Stylistic, Foregrounding, Deviation, Semantics, Parallelism, Majeed Amjad, Lyrical Poetry, Mukarovsky, Khalil Ahmad Baig, Rhythm, Music, Songs, Shab-i Rafta, Kuliyat-i Majeed AmjadAbstract
Foregrounding is a linguistic device that comprises grammatical, phonetic and semantic deviations. Majeed Amjad (1914-1974CE) expresses philosophies of time, life and death in his lyrics. To maintain the delicacy of lyrical genre and to make communication uncomplicated, he used various deviations in language, due to which foregrounding occurs. This research article tends to analyze that how Amjad’s foregrounded language has influenced the artistic essence, semantic system of lyrics, comprehension of philosophy and conveyance of aim, by reviewing diverse points of linguistic deviation in his lyrics. To accomplish the objective, foregrounding theories proposed by Mukarovsky and Khalīl Ahmad Baig are considered. According to these concepts, to use the language beside the prevailing meanings, dictations and rules or with verbal and syntactic recapitulation (Parallelism) causes foregrounding, moreover an artist foregrounds the language to produce the aesthetic essence in the art.